Welcome to Reimagine Love
Here you will find all the skills and support you need to heal yourself and relationship, to rebuild unbreakable trust, and bullet-proof your marriage in the future after the devastation, heartache and betrayal of an affair.
heal and recover fully and have a marriage that is even BETTER than it was in the beginning.


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Most women believe
that the effects of an AFFAIR cannot be fully healed, will lead to divorce, or you have to just suck it up and move on and hope that you will feel better some day.
Here’s the truth…
Most couples who experience infidelity do eventually divorce- BUT not because of the affair, because you didn't have the right tools, support and help to fully recover and make your marriage more loving and connected than you felt, even in the beginning of your relationship.
In actuality, it is the chronic loneliness, bickering, becoming more like roommates than passionate, playful lovers and friends, and disconnection that lead couples to limp along and for an affair to become available in your marriage.
want to know what led to the affair in the first place?
Click below and join this training:
Marriage After An Affair: 3 Crucial Steps To Healing, Forgiveness, Renewed Trust, & A Fresh Chance At Happiness

Without deep, unbreakable connection, marriages drift apart and fail.

The good news is that it’s possible to transform your marriage and rebuild the connection you are craving – no matter what your current situation or circumstances.
Whether you found out about the affair 2 weeks ago or 2 years ago- complete healing, full trust, and deep connection can be restored and expanded.
I am guessing you are here because:
You are a badass, go-getter who doesn't quit. You're determined and tenacious and believe that your marriage (and family) is worth saving, and can recover after the affair. You are totally committed to doing everything in your power to heal and move forward in healthy loving ways.

You are likely asking yourself:
“Can my marriage recover from an affair?”
“Will I ever trust him again?”
“Why did he cheat on me?”
“Am I stupid to stay?”
"How can he say he loves me when he had an affair?"

But when it comes to your marriage after the affair:
You’re stuck in painful thought patterns, like replaying images of “him with ‘her”
You haven’t healed yourself and your marriage yet
You’re have not idea how to trust him again
You want to know where he is every moment of the day
Your feelings of betrayal, hurt, pain, and anguish are overwhelming
You feel deeply alone
You feel like you’re just ‘hanging on’ and at a loss for what to do next

​You might have tried:
Asking your husband about every detail about the affair
You have been going to therapy together and/or on your own, but are making little to no progress or the progress is going very slowly (you can make GREAT strides forward in just 3-6 months with the right tools and support)
You've tried to just 'forget about it', yet find that your mind and heart and never far from the heartache of the affair
You've tried tracking him, and controlling where he comes and goes
​​But, no matter what you've tried so far, you still find yourself deeply disappointed, sad, hurt, angry and wondering how you can possibly get through this pain.
I’m Dr. Shawn Haywood –
I am a classically trained therapist and life and marriage coach who loves to work with women and couples – just like you – to help them create the relationship of their dreams after an affair.
I live and travel full time with my darling husband, Chris, and our two adorable chihuahuas – Squirt and Squishy.
I absolutely adore the life we have created together – one filled with unconditional love and profound connection…
But things weren’t always smooth sailing…

I have been where you are – letting our marriage marinate in frustration, arguments, avoidance, resentment and pain.
Until I got to the point where I started to believe that I was no longer in love with Chris and wanted to leave (a completely gut-wrenching, crushing moment of realization) …

and I wondered if divorce was our only answer.
BUT there was also a part of me that knew there was a way for us to heal our relationship. So, we dug in, with courage and radical honesty –
And through the process, we discovered a way to not only heal our own hearts and marriage, but to create a life together that is so incredibly, deeply connected that it is beyond anything I ever could have imagined.
Since then, I have helped thousands of women just like you over the past 25 years move from the cycle of disconnect to one of unbreakable love and connection- while healing fully after an affair. And this same transformation is possible for you too – using the same methods we discovered on our journey --
except that – you can do it in a fraction of the time!

Transformation is a BIG word. But it is the best description for the couples retreat with Shawn. I can honestly say that we have never grown so much, and in just two days. Our marriage has taken a major quantum leap forward. After the retreat, the positive transformation has continued in ways we hadn't dared hope. Shawn gave us the best present anyone could ever ask for - a strong relationship with the person I've chosen as my partner for this crazy roller coaster called life.
- Alexis Underwood

Shawn is simply brilliant. Within 5 minutes of being on the call, my husband said, "Man she knows her stuff, glad we are here!”. We learned how to come together behind a unified vision and to follow something better in our relationship then, “he’s right/she’s right”. Shawn’s work is nothing short of a necessity for all couples. [...] This material should be mandatory. It’s way better than couples therapy or retreats because it goes under the surface into principles that really work.
- Monica Shah

Shawn is warm and down to earth, and she made each of us feel heard and supported. Very quickly she was able to pin point some of the triggers for our conflicts and a lot of inaccurate stories we had developed about each other that were causing a lot of our conflicts.
She helped us develop new skills and processes that we have been able to put into practice (easily) to avoid conflict and have more fun together. [...] This was a life changing experience and we are so grateful!!!! Thank you, Shawn!"
- Tracy Mitzer
Pretty amazing right?
Well guess what!
ThIS same kind of transformation is also available to you
and my team and I can help
Can you imagine a life where you: