Shawn Haywood, PhRD

Jul 2, 20204 min

Before & After Quarantine: Working Towards A Bullet Proof Marriage

Chris and I have finally landed in one of our favorite slices of Heaven on this earth right in the midst of wildflower season. We will be calling Crested Butte home for the next several weeks. Some of our family will be joining us as we take some time off for a much needed vacation.

We plan to fill our days with hikes, board games, laughter, love and adventure. Little Girl and Squirt, our two chihuahuas, are living their best lives as crew members of The Traveling Haywood squad. Our little family took to the road (again!) on an Airstream adventure about a year ago and we haven’t looked back!

Our entire globe is, for the first time in a very long time, sharing the same plight of a global pandemic. There is no one unaffected. I have noticed that many of my clients are finding silver linings amidst such trying and odd times.

Our silver lining is that we are immensely grateful for the ability to social distance in a way that feels freeing. Most of our time is spent in nature, and honestly, that seems to be the best place to be right now. For us, nature has always been a prefer way to spend our time. And I am sure you have noticed your neighbors being more outdoorsy and active too. It seems most of the country is out riding bikes, walking with their pets, and truly enjoying the quiet and stillness of the current situation.

While plenty of people are finding some joy, others are truly struggling. Finances are dwindling, businesses are shuttering, and there can be feelings of hopelessness in a world that seems to be in limbo.

We have an entire world of people being forced to live in the “now” (which is one of the best gifts we could ever receive!). Why forced to live in the 'now'? Because it’s so challenging to plan future travels, work projects, kids activities, and other goals and events in this uncertain time.

Some of my client’s biggest goal currently is to literally learn to Let Go and live in the present. This can be a tall order in a culture of more, bigger, better, faster, busier...

As a goal, it seems so ‘ideal’, but being sort of 'put on pause' can feel uneasy to say the least, making the goal of learning to let go and surrender not just ideal, but essential to improve peace of mind and reduce overwhelm.

(If you don't know the how to's and practical skills of learning to let go and be present, hit me up, I'd love to teach you- it will LITERALLY TRANSFORM your entire life!

In the beginning of all of this, there was a lot of speculation about a large baby boom. All of us home for a few months, how could there not be, right? In fact, we have a good friend couple who are actually pregnant with a quarantine baby! Hooray!

The subject that has NOT been broached yet is, how many divorces will occur after spending several stress filled months stuck in your house with your significant other and potentially stir crazy children, lack of work and lack of socializing... ?

With financial troubles, furloughs, layoffs, on lock down, children distance learning, and toilet paper and food shortages, what could go wrong?

Well... everything possibly

Couples are calling me left and right, saying, "Shawn, we were fine until we were locked in together." Or, "We were fine when our businesses were thriving. Or, "We seemed stable until my business slowed down."

Fill in the blank for your relationship, "We were fine before _____."

But were you fine? OR was it just easier to brush things under the rug when you were OVERLY- BUSY and didn't HAVE to face the already existing problems?

These past few months have created new problems, and shined a light on old ones. What was once easy to ignore, now appear to be glowing hard-ships. And what was once, small annoying pet peeves, are now sending you into full rage, and trigging down spirals, fights or complete annoyance and frustration!

Even the strongest relationships have shown some cracks during this chaotic time.

I am sure you know how vital it is to ensure you have a super solid relationship during this tumultuous season of our lives, although you might not know how to craft it.

Having a rock solid marriage during any time of life is the ideal scenario.

However, it seems even more crucial to have a thriving relationship where you are true life partners who hold one another’s hearts and love without condition, resentments, or cruelty of any kind.

Imagine... waking up each day peaceful, with conflict free mornings and spending your days fully connecting with your partner. Then think of spending your evenings in a serene environment enveloped in the arms of your husband or wife while feeling utter contentment.

Doesn't this sound dreamy... AND, what's even more delightful, is that I have created a FREE program to help you work towards having the marriage you desire.

Please join me in our 5 Day Kick Start to Fix Your Marriage & Make it Bullet Proof!

This program illuminates a gorgeous spark of what is truly possible, and will set you on a path toward a dynamic and mutually rewarding life with your spouse.

The results of a strong marriage create a ripple effect throughout the entirety of your life.

Your family will grow closer and more connected. Your friendships will be more rich and fulfilling. Your life’s work and ambitions will feel more attainable and sustainable.

Isn't the strength of your marriage worth 20 minutes a day for five days?

Join me and I will help you achieve the marriage transformation you and your spouse deserve. Click here to learn more about the 5 Day Kick Start to Fix Your Marriage & Make it Bullet Proof!

Have an adventurous weekend!

